Mary Lou

Mary Lou, sadly, had a malignant mass in her sinuses and we had to say goodbye. She had a very good life but had dealt with a few conditions and is now at rest.


August 2019 update.  Mary Lou has been battling pancreatitis in addition to her thyroid and kidney issues.  I am now trying the ear thyroid medication since otherwise she doesn’t always get her medication in food if she doesn’t feel up to eating all of it.  She is also getting her Semintra.  Although her corona virus is not curable, she is doing well with that.  She is stable but we hope for more improvement.  She does love petting and purrs very loudly!

Mary Lou is a spayed female about 10. She can co-exist with other cats if they stay far away from her and don't bother her. She has never been around a dog. Once she knows someone she loves petting but hates being picked up and is not a lap cat. Mary Lou has some medical issues that will shorten her life. She has kidney disease and is on Semintra which she will take when mixed with "Delectables". She is hyperthyroid and takes a pill twice a day which is cut in half and wrapped in Pill Wrap (similar to pill pockets) and then covered with "Delectables". She also has Corona Virus which means she has chronic diarrhea - not terrible but not pleasant. She is not fond of her kidney diet and likes other tasty cat foods. She can tend to get dehydrated and could use some subcutaneous fluids but does not like this. I will probably take her to the vet for this soon. She is a sweet girl and has a life that appears normal but all of these problems and medications will eventually bring about some things to deal with as time goes by. She is at my place in a room with BB, a semi-feral black cat with a respiratory condition. BB tried to be friends with Mary Lou and Mary Lou rejected her so now they live congenially but in different corners and Mary Lou prefers no cat near her. She does love petting and purrs and enjoys it. Does she have a chance at a home? I had given up, but maybe there is a miracle for her.
